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Crime & Punishment

ERM CIC are running a project looking at Crime and Punishment through the centuries. Young people from Watton Junior / Wayland Academy will be investigating heritage documents and stories and creating artwork for an exhibition at Wymondham Heritage Museum next summer.

Pathways College will also look at local news reports from the past and reinterpret the tales as scripts to be filmed for a courtroom session in front of the judge!

We will visit Norfolk Record Office / Archive Centre, Wymondham Heritage Museum, Norfolk Heritage Centre, Museum of Norwich at the Bridewell and Museum For Watton which was once a courtroom.

We have had a gibbet created from metal which will come in handy, no doubt!


This project is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and National Lottery players!


Pathways College students visited Wymondham Heritage Museum and explored the cell, the dungeons and various Heritage items associated with their research. All students were accounted for at the end of the day!

Year 5 from Watton junior / Wayland Academy joined us at Wymondham Bridewell to experience the role of Tuurnkey, prisoners and generally being locked up in the dungeon.  They explored a range of heritage items from manacles to truncheons and learnt the fate of several internees.

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